RECEPTION we're co-sponsoring at MCEAS



Friday  Oct. 12 2007,  12 noon - 1:45 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Room 414

"A Paradigm From Another Shore"
Gretchen A. Adams, Texas Tech University

"The Revolutionary Pacific"
--Michelle Burnham, Santa Clara University

"Melville's Pisgah View"

--Rick Rodriguez
, Loyola University Chicago

"White Monsters: Early American Nightmares in Color"
--Karen Nicole Salt
, Purdue University

Chair: Dennis D. Moore, Florida State University


This roundtable follows logically from the one the ASA's EARLY AMERICAN MATTERS CAUCUS sponsored at the Oakland conference, "Roundtable: Re-Imagining ‘early America’ From Inside Out.” We are excited about this session, which has evolved from historian James Spady's suggesting a panel on "Early AmericaS: Pacific and Atlantic," building on the recent increase in scholarly attention to "the Americas" within various trans-hemispheric, global, and post-national contexts. In early 2005, for example, the special issue of the on-line journal Common-place opened with an essay by two historians, “Toward a Pacific World”; for Edward Gray and Alan Taylor, focusing upon the early modern Pacific World offers historians an escape from “nations and states as the defining subjects of historical understanding, turning instead to large scale processes.”

These five panelists embody the range of participants in our 250+ member Caucus, and their brief opening comments will help spark a discussion, with the audience and with each other, on ways of re-thinking the expressions "early America," "colonialism," "trans-hemispheric," and, yes, "globalization." One is a historian, one a scholar of early American print culture and of relations with Native Americans, two are advanced graduate students, and the chair is the organizer of the ASA's Early American Matters Caucus. Rather than presenting standard-length papers, each participant will present a 5-minute opening statement, i.e., a brief paper spelling out a particular way to approach the session’s broad topic. 

CREDIT: Map showing the oceans listed as the North Sea and the South Sea. "America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde,"1626. Courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society.